Navigating Healthcare Cyber Risks: Safeguarding Against Medical Device Dangers and Security Incidents
Event: Navigating Healthcare Cyber Risks: Safeguarding Against Medical Device Dangers and Security Incidents
[08/10/2023 - 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET ]
Join us for an exclusive webinar discussing the risks prevalent in the health care industry with a focus on medical device management and cybersecurity. This joint webinar by Hall Render and Fortalice Solutions will be held on August 10 at 2:00 PM ET. During this highly informative session, our panelists will discuss potential security risks associated with medical devices and how to manage those risks, as well as how to prepare for and address the continuing challenges that cyber incidents present to healthcare organizations.
Moderator(s): Theresa Payton
Panelist(s): Dan Cumberland, Mark Swearingen, Fortalice's Matt Shirley and Chris Furtick,
Organizer: Hall Render and Foratlice
Venue: Online