
Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice

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CMS Announces Timeline for Round 2 of Competitive Bidding

Posted on December 1, 2011 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice

Written by: Kendra Conover

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) announced yesterday the timeline for Round 2 competitive bidding for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Suppliers (“DMEPOS”), with registration set to begin on December 5, 2011.

According to the release from CMS, the 60-day bid window for Round 2 and the National Mail-Order Competition for Diabetic Supplies opens on January 30, 2012 and closes on March 30.

Other important dates include:
      • December 22: “Authorized officials” are strongly encouraged to register no later than this.
      • January 12:  “Backup authorized” officials are strongly encouraged to register no later than this.
      • February 9: Registration closes.
      • February 28: Document review date for bidders to submit financial documents.

Also posted at the competitive bidding website yesterday were 21 new documents that provide critical information for Round 2.  The documents provide information on grandfathering, financial documentation, exemptions, enteral nutrition, capacity and expansion plans, contract supplier obligations, national mail-order competition for diabetic supplies, eligibility requirements, specialty suppliers, subcontracting and other details.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the foregoing or would like additional information, please contact your regular Hall Render attorney, or Todd Selby at or 317.977.1440, or Kendra Conover at or 317.977.1456.