Hall Render’s Real Estate team wants to thank you for subscribing to our weekly health care real estate briefing. What started as a periodic LinkedIn post several years ago has turned into a weekly briefing that is published on LinkedIn and via email every Monday morning at 7 AM ET. It’s read by a significant number of industry professionals, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. You helped make that possible, so thank you!
We typically don’t use our briefings to talk about us or the transactions that we are working on for our clients, but we want to take a few moments today to thank our clients and to recognize the work of our colleagues. Over the years, Hall Render has evolved into one of the largest health care-focused law firms in the country. During that time, our real estate service line has grown with the firm. We now have one of the largest health care real estate legal teams in the country. We have the privilege of representing owners and operators of nearly every health care real estate asset type in numerous states in the U.S.
During 2022, our real estate service line saw significant growth with the addition of new attorneys and staff members. We also had a successful fourth quarter, closing a number of noteworthy transactions. A summary of some of these closings is provided below.
As we start a new year, we recommend that you check out our 2022 Year in Review article summarizing our top takeaways and trends over the past year, as well as our predictions for 2023. We will be back next week with our traditional weekly briefing with a summary of stories making headlines.
For more information on real estate matters, please contact:
- Andrew Dick at adick@hallrender.com or (317) 977-1491;
- Joel Swider at jswider@hallrender.com or(317) 429-3638; or
- Your primary Hall Render contact.
Hall Render blog posts and articles are intended for informational purposes only. For ethical reasons, Hall Render attorneys cannot give legal advice outside of an attorney-client relationship.