Michael R. Greer

Attorney | Indianapolis & Washington, D.C.

Phone: (317) 977-1493
| Fax: (317) 633-4878

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About Michael

Michael Greer is a health care lawyer in the Indianapolis office of Hall Render. He focuses his practice in the areas of antitrust law and managed care contracting.

As part of his antitrust practice, he has extensive experience in counseling health systems, hospitals and physicians on the antitrust requirements of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and provider networks. In this capacity, he frequently obtains clearance from the FTC and DOJ under the premerger reporting requirements of the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act and defends providers in government antitrust investigations. During these government investigations, he manages complex procedural requirements, including large-scale document productions and electronic discovery and negotiates competition issues with the federal antitrust enforcement agencies. In addition, he routinely counsels health care providers on day-to-day antitrust compliance issues related to provider networks, managed care contracting, dominant firms and exchanges of competitively sensitive information, including “all or nothing” contracting, anti-tiering, anti-steering, gag clauses and price transparency. Michael also serves as part of an antitrust compliance monitoring team in monitoring antitrust agency consent orders.

As part of his managed care contracting practice, he has helped negotiate innumerable managed care contracts, educate many clients on the legal and operational issues in managed care contracting, develop value-based purchasing strategies and advise on Direct to Employer contracting strategies, as well as advise on other innovative network and contracting strategies aimed at increasing the quality of care while decreasing the cost of care. He is also well versed in the formation, operation and antitrust considerations of all types of provider networks, including ACOs, clinically integrated networks (CINs), PHOs, IPAs and messenger model networks.

Michael previously served as a Vice Chair of the AHLA Antitrust Practice Group and was a participant in the inaugural Leadership Development Program for the AHLA Antitrust Practice Group.


University of New Mexico, B.A. - 2003; University of New Mexico, M.B.A. - 2004

University of Notre Dame, J.D. - 2007


  • Indiana - 2007
  • District of Columbia - 2021


  • Indianapolis Bar Association
  • American Bar Association
  • American Health Law Association


  • Best Lawyers in America

Representative Transactions Experience

  • Served as lead transaction and antitrust counsel for a regional non-profit health system that merged with another non-profit health system in a transaction where our client was the “surviving” entity.