The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s Information Blocking Rule went into effect on April 5, 2021 and expanded its scope in October of 2022. The Information Blocking Rule prohibits health care providers and other “actors” from implementing practices that are likely to interfere with access, exchange or use of electronic health information, except as required by law or where one of eight exceptions set forth in the regulations is satisfied. Disclosures that previously were permissive under HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2 or other state and federal laws may now be required unless an exception is met.

Hall Render has developed a toolkit containing a sample policy and procedure, diagrams, flowcharts and related documentation to assist clients in understanding and assessing the Information Blocking Rule’s exceptions and implementing compliance with its requirements. In addition, we provide periodic updates with written analysis of issues that are trending across clients and the industry. The content of the toolkit is perpetually licensed for the subscriber and its controlled entities for internal distribution. The toolkit is provided as a subscription service for a periodic flat fee.

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