
Home Care and the Continuum: How Home Care and Acute Care Can Work Together

[03/10/2015 - 1:00 PM]


With the rise of ACOs and other new payment models, acute care providers are beginning to reconsider their involvement with post-acute care. As pay for performance, shared savings and other models that pay based upon quality and savings become increasingly common, hospitals are becoming more aware of the ways in which post-acute care impacts their performance. This has led more and more hospitals to consider how home health and hospice fit into the continuum and how the acute care providers can add this piece of the continuum to their offerings. This webinar will review aspects of these new payment models that can be affected by home care performance. We will discuss the areas, such as length of stay and rehospitalization rates, that home care can directly impact. We will then look at concepts related to acute post-acute partnerships, including types of ventures, common control and governance issues and others. We will also consider how fraud and abuse laws can impact these relationships and ongoing operational considerations that must be addressed in a successful venture.

Speaker(s): Robert W. Markette, Jr.

Organizer: Hall Render