Resident Rights vs. Resident Safety: Managing Health Care Decision Making and Personal Preferences in Nursing Facilities – Who Decides?
Event: McKnight's Long Term Care News Webinar – Long Term Care Webinar
Facilities want to ensure regulatory compliance. Residents want the right to make personal choices. Program focuses on the decision-making process for health care and personal decisions. The obligation to protect and enrich resident care, health, and safety often conflict with resident rights, a resident’s right to refuse treatment and a resident’s personal preferences. Regulations, CMS guidance, ALJ decisions, DAB decisions and case law address resident rights, resident preferences and resident health and safety issues presented by resident choices. Also impacting these situations are resident capacity and consent issues as they relate to health care and personal decisions. Facilities need to balance competing concerns when a resident’s right to reject treatment leads to injuries. Program will review the important components in treatment situations and agreements to lower the risk of survey tags and litigation issues that occur when resident treatment decisions result in adverse outcomes. Using real life examples from court cases, CMS decisions and speakers experience during lecture will support participants learning the laws, rules, procedures and recommended steps. Presentation slides with the steps and tips will serve as an excellent resource for participants.
Speaker(s): Sean J. Fahey
Organizer: McKnight's Long Term Care News