Posted on October 1, 2013 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Bufford, David W.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) issued a Survey & Certification Memo (“S&C Letter”) to state agencies detailing the result of the governmental shutdown on long-term care providers as it relates to surveys. As of this writing, the S&C Letter has not been published or otherwise made publicly available, and the below... READ MORE
Tags: long term care, ltc, Medicaid/Medicare Enrollment and Regulatory Compliance, nf, provider, reimbursement, snf, survey
Posted on March 18, 2013 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Bufford, David W.
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (“MedPAC”) March 25th Report to Congress outlines inefficiencies they believe exist in the post-acute world and lead to excessive Medicare payments to providers. MedPAC recommendations include Congress evaluate post-acute provider reimbursement and encourage use of the lowest cost mix of services necessary to achieve the best outcomes. READ MORE
Tags: bufford, congress, hha, Home Health, Hospice, jent, long term care, ltch, Medicaid/Medicare Enrollment and Regulatory Compliance, Medicare, MedPAC, pps, provider, quality, rehab, reimbursement, report, selby, snf
Posted on February 7, 2013 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Selby, Todd J.
In 2003, two fires in long-term care facilities resulted in 31 resident deaths. As a result of these two events, CMS analyzed the fire safety precautions in place in these facilities and determined that resident safety could be greatly improved by requiring that all long-term care facilities have automatic sprinkling systems installed throughout the... READ MORE
Tags: bufford, cms, extension, fire, long term care, Medicare, nursing home, provider, regulation, resident, selby, skilled nursing facility, snf, sprinkler
Posted on August 14, 2012 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Selby, Todd J.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented changes to Internet-based PECOS to allow providers easier access to information. The following enhancements are now available: READ MORE
Tags: 855, bufford, cms, enrollment, Home Health, Hospice, jent, long term care, medicaid, Medicaid/Medicare Enrollment and Regulatory Compliance, Medicare, pecos, provider, selby
Posted on August 2, 2012 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Bufford, David W.
Need a quick reference to find specific contacts at Medicare organizations that service your state? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently published an interactive Provider Compliance Group Map. Should you have any questions, please contact: Todd Selby at 317.977.1440 or tselby@hallrender.com; Brian Jent at 317.977.1402 or bjent@hallrender.com; or David Bufford at 502.568.9368 or dbufford@hallrender.com, or your regular... READ MORE
Tags: bufford, cms, compliance, Home Health, Hospice, jent, long term care, Medicaid/Medicare Enrollment and Regulatory Compliance, provider, selby
Posted on July 9, 2012 in Health Information Technology
Published by: Hall Render
Since 2005, a group of associations known as the Long Term and Post Acute Care (LTPAC) Health Information Technology Collaborative (the Collaborative) have hosted the annual LTPAC Health IT Summit to discuss and advance health IT issues for long LTPAC providers. Following the Summit, the Collaborative publishes a Road Map that identifies the progress... READ MORE
Tags: aanac, accountable care, ahca, ahima, amda, batt, bufford, bundled payment, care coordination, cast, cms, crm, ehr, employee, facility, health it, healthcare, hms, improvement, IT, leadingage, long term care, ltc, ltpac, nasl, ncal, nf, nursing home, oig, pace, process, provider, quality, rehospitalization, road map, skill, snf, summit, technology, training
Posted on November 9, 2011 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Bufford, David W.
A Medicare beneficiary is not liable for custodial care services rendered by a Mississippi nursing home because the facility failed to give adequate notice the services were not covered by Medicare, a federal appeals court panel ruled on October 25. The case (Mississippi Care Center of Morton LLC, Sebelius, 5th Cir., No. 10-60595, Oct.... READ MORE
Tags: 411.404, beneficiary, bufford, cfr, cms, covered, custodial care, facility, hall render, Home Health, Hospice, jent, Litigation and Risk Management, long term care, ltc, Medicaid/Medicare Enrollment and Regulatory Compliance, Medicare, notice, nursing home, presume, provider, regulation, reimbursement, selby, services
Posted on November 9, 2011 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Bufford, David W.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) has posted a listing of providers who have already been sent a request to revalidate their Medicare enrollment information. The listing contains the name and National Provider Identifier (“NPI”) of each provider, as well as the date the letter was sent. Providers on the list, but... READ MORE
Tags: bufford, cms, jent, long term care, Medicare, npi, provider, revalidate, selby
Posted on November 7, 2011 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Bufford, David W.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) has reevaluated the revalidation requirements in the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), and believe the ACA allows for the extension of the revalidation period for an additional two years. This will extend the deadline for revalidation through March of 2015. Providers are reminded that if they have... READ MORE
Tags: 855, ACA, bufford, categories, cms, extend, extension, Home Health, Hospice, jent, Litigation and Risk Management, long term care, Medicaid/Medicare Enrollment and Regulatory Compliance, provider, revalidation, risk, screening, selby, supplier
Posted on August 16, 2011 in Long-Term Care, Home Health & Hospice
Written by: Selby, Todd J.
On July 29, 2011, CMS issued the following guidance for the use of video cameras in ICFs/MR: To ensure that clients’ rights are protected, the use of video cameras in the ICF/MR must be reviewed, approved and monitored by the Specially Constituted Committee (SCC) of the facility as constituted per 42 CFR 483.440(f)(3)(i-iii). If... READ MORE
Tags: 42 cfr, bufford, cameras, certification, client, cms, guidance, hall render, icf/mr, informed consent, jent, letter, long term care, provider, regulations, selby, survey, transmittal, video